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New Installations

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A license with valid support & upgrade coverage is required to download. Once you have a valid license please login to the members area select an active license and download the latest version.


Installation Steps

The installation process is fairly simple, follow the following steps to get started:

  1. Download the software from our members area
  2. Unzip the contents of the downloaded zip file
  3. In the includes folder, rename config-new.php to config.php
  4. Upload the entire contents to your Webserver (If you are using FTP use Binary Mode)
  5. Start the install process by visiting<foldername>/install/
  6. Follow the instructions provided by the installer
  7. Enjoy!

Post Installation Steps

Once the installation has completed, we recommend to set includes/config.php back to CHMOD 644.


Cron Job

The cron job allows task automation. Add a cron job to your server with an entry like:


* * * * * php -q /<base_path>/includes/cron.php


Please make sure to replace the base path. If it doesn't work, it may be because PHP is on a different location on your server. For example, if PHP is located at /usr/bin/php then the cron job entry should be


* * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /<base_path>/includes/cron.php


You can set how often each task should run by visiting Scheduled Tasks under the Settings menu in your operator panel. The cron job would need to be updated should the base path change.


SEO Friendly Links

If you intend on using SEO friendly links (generally recommended for better search engine positioning), then rename the htaccess file to .htaccess in the root directory. You will also need to enable the setting in Settings -> General Settings -> Template.


Rename the admin folder

From a security point of view, it is a good idea to rename the operator panel folder to avoid anyone being able to access it. It should be renamed to something that only your staff members know.


>Once you have renamed the admin folder, open /includes/config.php within your installation and set the following variable to your new admin folder name


$ADMIN_FOLDER = "admin";


Moving and securing the uploads folder

As the uploads folder requires CHMOD permissions 777 (writable by anyone), it is safer to move the folder out of publicly accessible folders (everything under public_html or similar on your server).


If you do move the uploads server, you must update the uploads path in the general settings section in the operator panel (Settings -> General Settings -> Company).


Furthermore, if your server allows indexing through .htaccess files, please rename the htaccess file in the uploads folder to .htaccess. This will disable any PHP scripts being executed in that folder.

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